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ver 2023

Kim Dae-sung

Featured Artists Korea Contemporary Artists About ARTNZONE Featured Artists 김대성 writer@artnzone Kim Dae-sung (1968-) “To me, creation is a pleasurable pain expressed through the hands.” Kim Dae-sung 나에게 창작은 손을 통해 표현되는 즐거운 고통이다._조형회화 김대성 작가 The story of formative painting that you didn’t know. 당신이 몰랐던 회화조각 <김대성> 작가의 이야기 옥수동 퇴근길. 나는 좁은 […]

Wang Yeul

Featured Artists Korea Contemporary Artists About ARTNZONE Featured Artists 왕열 writer@artnzone Wang Yeul (1961-) “Whether on the road, on the bus, in my dreams, etc., my work is influenced by the emotions I feel from all the life around me.” Wang Yeul 길을 가다가, 버스를 타는 도중에도, 꿈속에서 등등 나는 주변에서 일어나는 모든 생활에서 느끼는 감정에 따라 […]